A note with CVSS 9.8 for component CEC-COM-CPS-COR was released by SAP on 13.12.2022. The correction/advisory 3271523 was described with "Remote Code Execution vulnerability associated with Apache Commons Text in SAP Commerce" and affects the system type SAP Commerce.
A workaround exists, according to SAP Security Advisory team. It is advisable to implement the correction as part of maintenance.
The vulnerability addressed is code injection within SAP Commerce.
Risk specification
Apache Commons Text allows an unauthenticated attacker to exploit the interpolation defaults "StringSubstitutor" to inject malicious code.Solution
'The affected component has been upgraded and solving the vulnerability of the depracated "Java library Apache Commons Text". Although an alternative solution exists, it is advisable to apply the correction! This is the workaround, which was suggested by the SAP security experts: "The recommended workaround is for customers to manually search and upgrade instances of the Apache Commons Text library to version 1.10.0, which will disable the “StringSubstitutor” interpolation. This is described in SAP KBA 3278497.Move to the directory where the potentially vulnerable version of SAP Commerce Cloud is present.Execute a search command to find the vulnerable library, such as: find . -name "*commons*text*.jar". The search command to execute depends on the operating system used.Locate the affected .jar files and update them (see here for the official release website).Commit the changes if a version control system is used.Follow above descriptions about re-building and re-deploying the altered version of SAP Commerce.".
The advisory is valid for
- HY_COM 1905 26
- HY_COM 2005 22
- HY_COM 2011 16
- HY_COM 2105 15
- HY_COM 2205 18
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