A note with CVSS 9.8 for component CEC-SCC-PLA-PL was released by SAP on 14.05.2024. The correction/advisory 3455438 was described with "[CVE-2019-17495] Multiple vulnerabilities in SAP CX Commerce" and affects the system type SAP Commerce Cloud.
A workaround does not exist, according to SAP Security Advisory team. It is advisable to implement the correction as part of maintenance.
The vulnerability addressed is code injection remote code execution vulnerability within SAP Commerce Cloud.
Risk specification
This note concerns two different CVEs in libraries that are used in SAP CX Commerce. The dependency swagger-ui 3.20.1, which is used within the test extension "odata2webservicesfeaturetests", is vulnerable to a CSS injection, which allows attackers to exfiltrate CSS-based input field values (CVE-2019-17495). Secondly, the Apache Calcite Avatica 1.18.0 dependency is vulnerable to remote code execution because the JDBC driver does not check whether a class passed via the "httpclient_impl" property implements the expected interface before it is instantiated (CVE-2022-36364).Solution
The test extension "odata2webservicesfeaturetests", which required the dependency swagger-ui 3.20.1, has been removed. Apache Calcite Avatica has been updated to version 1.23.0, which contains a fix for the vulnerability.