SAP Security Business Case

1. Environment

Please provide how many production lines your organization needs to secure, and how much is the internal charging rate for 1 day of work.

Numeric value
Numeric value

2. Choose SAP security measures

The following list contains manual operations that have to be performed in every organization that uses SAP software. If any of the tasks are already automated in your organization, you can deactivate them.

Category Measures
Detect Analyse transport contents, import result, fix erroneous imports
Detect Perform random code vulnerability checks
Detect Review SAP logs e.g. scanning for critical authorization assignments
Detect Review critical user logins from SAP logs
Detect Review data extraction logs
Detect Review debug activities that bypass authorisation check
Detect Review security relevant log sources for anomalies
Organize Create a management report for critical events, security config, etc.
Prevent Checking the security policy (i.e. DSAG Security Guideline)
Prevent Correct a faulty parameter impacting the security settings in all systems
Prevent Evaluate SAP Patch Day releases
Prevent Find non-responding RFC dest., to reduce the attack surface

3. Fine Tune selected SAP Security Actions

In this section you can make adjustments. The default values are based on our experience. If you think that the default values are suitable for your company, you can simply adopt them.

Category Action

4. Summary of Expenses

In the following table you will find an overview of all previously selected activities and their costs.

5. User Details

In order to prepare the business case we need some information from you. Your personal data is important to us. Therefore, we do not share it without your prior consent.

Name is required.
Company is required.
Email is required.
Position is required.

* Privacy remark: We save your data to give you the flexibility to modify the business case at a later time.